Thursday, February 2, 2012

Big Bang

The evidence discussed in class supports the cosmological model because of the radiation and the fact that the galaxies are moving farther away and the ones farthest away are going faster than those that are closer. This is because the universe is expanding. The radiation is the aftermath of the Big Bang. Some questions the video brings up is why didn't the beginning of the universe mess up in any way? Sometimes things get messed up like a tree will grow funny, or a person is born with a disorder, but why didn't the universe mess up at all? Scientists should definitely be asking this question. I think new pursuits ARE possible because there is still so much that we don't know about our universe.


  1. Jamie, i think the point you brought up about people being born with developmental disorders and the the universe not having the disorders is a good point. However i think that the universe DOES have disorders, we just don't know enough about it to know yet

  2. Jamie you are totally right there are so many things we know but there are so many things we DON'T. And why wasnt there a malfunction of some sort, why didnt something go wrong, how was the birth of the universe so perfect? Great Thinking!!!! :D

  3. Jamie I think that your blog definitely brought up a good point and I think that the analogue between a development disorder and the development of the universe was very good. Even so, I think that the universe may be faulty and it may have many "disorders" but we don't have anything to compare the universe to. For example, if every tree grew crooked and had "disorders" we wouldn't be able to tell because we would have nothing to compare it to. It is kind of like having an experiment without a control, because in that case we wouldn't be able to tell if the results we out of the ordinary or if they were what would have happened in any case.

  4. you brought up a good point, but the universe is far from perfect. black holes swallow entire solar systems, supernovas eat away nebulas, and all the while, there are very few planets that could host life, the universe is a crazy messed up place, but all the while. nowhere is perfect
