Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Alien's From...

The kind of enviroment required for life is a stable atmosphere, there would need to be water, breathable air, and heat that could hold a body temperature. There would also be medium mass for a normal amount of gravity for a body. Low mass planets have low gravity and high mass planets have high gravity. That is why scientists are searching for possible life on Mars. It's the closest thing to Earth's enviroment. It's close to the Sun, about Earth's mass, and it has a stable atmosphere. It's rumored that there has been water found on Mars, making it possibly able to sustain life.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Science fair!

What I'm doing for my science fair project is trying to find out if brass instrument players or woodwind players have a larger lung capacity. I'm investigating how much air a person can breathe into a balloon and then measuring the diameter across the balloon. I expect the woodwinds to have a larger lung capacity because it seems to take more air to play a woodwind instrument than a brass instrument. I picked this because it's kinda fun to find out considering I'm in band and most of my friends are too. It's already started up a competition with the band kids! :P